RYT - 200-hr Yoga Teacher Training

Be part of something that sets your soul on fire.

We inspire you to grow, learn and expand to your capability.

Yoga Teacher Training


Accreditation  RYT-200 Yoga Alliance.

If you dream to become a qualified yoga teacher yourself, or you seeking to deepen your own knowledge and understanding of the practice of yoga, Zen Soul Life 200 hour teacher training will meet you there.

This course offers a deep dive into the philosophy, wisdom, and science of this ancient system in a supportive environment full of self discovery, personal transformation, and profound connection to your fellow students through shared experience.

You will emerge with a deeper understanding of your own practice, along with the confidence in your ability to structure and lead a safe, well informed class for your students.

Our in-person 200 hour teacher training is designed for yoga students with a regular practice who are ready to deepen their experience and perhaps begin their teaching adventure. 

Format: 180hrs in person at our Zen Soul Life studio from 4th Oct - 4th Nov 2024 + 40hrs E-Learning self paced.


Early Bird Offer extended until 28th June 2024 - $4500

Full Price: $4995 due 1st September

Easy Payments: $600 deposit + 4 x AUD$1160 (per month)


In person Training

4th October - 4th November

Friday | Saturday | Times: 6.30am - 3pm

Monday 630am - 3pm

Location for In person training & teaching practise workshops

Zen Soul Life Studio - 7/27 Falkinder Ave, Paradise Point.

  • 20hrs Asana (Technique, Methodology)

    20hrs Philosophy History Yoga Sutras

    20hrs Yoga Anatomy ; Chakras

    20hrs Sadhana (Meditation, mantra, pranayama)

    10hrs Ayurveda

    10hrs Special Populations (Pregnancy, Children, Elderly.)

    20hrs Class format, sequencing, teaching practise.

    Join Madonna and her team (Louise, Rain and Fiona over 5 weeks for in-person training and practice.

    Enjoy extended āsana, prāṇāyāma and meditation practices,

    intensive practice teaching sessions, teaching assists and insightful Q&A sessions with Madonna, Louise and Rain.

  • Complete 40 hours of study in online modules.

    Online component available 28th September.

    You may begin the online component prior to attending the in-person module.

    Study: the online module as you receive pre-recorded lectures on history, philosophy, history and mantra and anatomy. .

    Join live calls with Madonna to answer questions.

  • Yoga classes

    Attend and participate x 40 classes.

    Observe and report x 10 classes

    Assist x 10 classes

    (to be completed by 31ST JAN 2025)

  • In-person training over 5 weeks will feature intensive practise teaching sessions, with feedback and coaching provided from Madonna and your teachers.

    • Following each module, you will complete a short assessment to summarise and revise the key points.

    • At completion of modules, you will complete a teaching assessment.

    • There will be progressive tasks and questions to reflect on workshops.

    • Oral Presentations to reflect on topics.

    • Contribution to Seva Project.

    • Contribution to community class assistance.

  • Workshops Location Zen Soul Life, Paradise Point 7/27 Falkinder Ave, Paradise Point Gold Coast.


    Early Bird Offer extended until 28th June 2024 - $4500

    Full Price: $4995 due 1st September

    Easy Payments: $600 deposit + 4 x AUD$1160 (per month)

    Additional Costs : Food and drink on course. Recommended Text Books

    $600 minimum deposit and application to secure your spot. You will then receive an email response and invoice balance with due dates.

“As I reflect on 2018 my biggest highlight has been completing my 200 hour yoga teacher training with Madonna from Zen Soul Life. Madonna is a true inspiration. Her understanding of the art and practice of yoga and her ability to share it is captivating. Madonna is the perfect mix of fun and knowledge.

We have had many laughs and hearty discussions about yoga in our teacher training circle and this has created a beautiful bond between us all. Another huge bonus is meeting like-minded souls practicing this special healthy-bodied philosophy. I have made some wonderful friends.”

— Emma Walkinshaw

Course Teachers


Madonna Williams

Course facilitator. Philosophy,Asana, Sadhana, Pranayama, Technique.

Rain Crawford

Anatomy & Physiology

Louise Overell

Vishal Dubey

Methodology & Sequencing

Philosophy & Sanskrit

Course Guide 2023

  • Yoga Philosophy

    • History of Yoga

    • Eastern vs Western philosophy

    • Yoga Sutras

    • Sanskrit terms

    • Eight limbs of yoga

    • Yoga psychology

    • Elements - the first 5 teachers

    • Yoga teachers code of ethical practise

    • Philosophy knowledge applied Yoga teaching practise

    Training, techniques and practise

    • Yoga asanas (postures) of Hatha yoga and part Ashtanga series

    • Sadhana - daily practise of pranayama, meditation, mantra and asana

    • Completing journals, essays and assignments

    • Orientation and screening of clients

    • Client health assessments

    Physical Anatomy

    • Human body systems, components, functions

    • Application of anatomy & physiology in yoga teaching context

    • Musculoskeletal system

    • Spinal biomechanics

    • Cardio-respiratory system

    • Nervous system

    • Endocrine system

    • Lymphatic system

    • Digestive system 

    Subtle Anatomy

    • Chakras

    • Meridians

    • Vayus 

    • Application of energy systems applied to yoga

    Teaching Methodology

    • Planning and sequencing yoga classes

    • Adjustments, modifications and prop usage

    • Creative language and teaching methods

    • Qualities of a Yoga teacher

    • Motivation techniques and methods

    Teaching Practicum

    • Planning, sequencing and delivery of group and personal yoga classes as the lead instructor

    • Class planning notes journal

    • Yoga programs to achieve specific outcomes.

    • Special populations - understanding and modifications

    Nutrition and Ayurvedic wisdom

    • Nutrition principles to optimise individual health and daily yoga practice

    • Ayurvedic principles, doshas, rituals

    Personal Development

    • Seva Project - collective community developed service

    • Cycle of the intellect

    • Meditation & the mind

    • Aradhana - attitude

    • Prabhupati - mastery of mind

    • Teacher training journals

    • Setting intentions

    • Shadow work and the key to self empowerment

    • Spiritual laws of success

    Business and Marketing

    • Desire mapping and manifesting your yoga business

    • Developing a strong business plan

    • Resources for starting your new business

    • Newsletters + social media marketing

    • Business mentoring

    First Aid and Occupational Health and Safety (OHS)

    • Basic First Aid and CPR certification to be completed external to Yoga training

    • Yoga industry standards and quality assurance

    Business and marketing

    • Develop a Yoga business plan suitable for home based and community yoga classes

    • Create a marketing strategy to promote classes

    First Aid and Occupational Health and Safety (OHS)

    • Basic First Aid and CPR certification will also need to be completed separate to this course as a requirement with teaching registration bodies. ( Yoga Alliance, Yoga Australia)

    • Yoga industry standards and quality assurance

  • This course is designed for Yogis with intermediate experience who have a real passion to share and develop this ancient practice with students and to deepen their own practise and personal growth. It is open to anyone who is interested in learning the ancient science of Yoga, meditation, mantra, health and spirituality. We recommend applicants have at least 12 months yoga practice experience. We welcome you to contact us if you would like to discuss your eligibility.

  • This course is fully accredited with Yoga Alliance. Please refer to Yoga Alliance membership guidelines. Level 1 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course graduates are eligible for full membership of Yoga Alliance and qualified to obtain insurance to teach.

  • Students need to complete all modules offered within the course content outlined above. If students cannot attend the contact hours as offered, they must submit assignments and practical assessments specific to the module. Only two blocks (contact hours) can be missed. Assessments will be based on creative expression project/assignment , practical teaching evaluations, student conduct and Seva community service. Once completing and receiving certification for your 300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course, you can apply to Yoga Alliance Accreditation RYT-300 Yoga Alliance.

    • Yoga classes (includes classes signed before and during online training) x 90hrs

    • Class observation notes - layout, sequencing, postures and teaching cues.

    • 6 x Teaching practicum - class presentation of Yoga sequence

    • 8 x Assistant roles in classes

    • 6 x Open book written assessments

    • 6 x Oral presentations

    • Business Plan with marketing strategy

    • Weekly ‘Free Write’ journals

    • Some Assessments will be completed during contact time and others will have a later required completion date.

    • Course workshops, lectures and guest presentations

    • Online training

    • Yoga classes (40hrs) with Zen Soul Life

    • Entire tuition fees for course modules (Excluding First Aid)

    • Course manuals

    • Professional mentoring

    • Not Included: Immersion accomodation required, recommended text books , food and drink during course, First Aid

    • 200hr graduates receive 10% discount on our 25hr, 50hr & 100hr Master Trainings

  • It is important that all applicants revise the time and resources required for the course before submitting the application. Participants must be prepared to devote their full attention to the teacher training program. Due to the expenses involved the deposit required is non-refundable ($600). Once commencing the course, you will be filling a limited place, hence full payment must be paid prior to commencement date including payment plans. All payments are transferable to future courses in the event of unforeseeable circumstances excluding deposit ($600)

    See Cancelation Policy

    • Sadhana - meditation, mantra, pranayama, mudras

    • Physical Anatomy and Physiology

    • Energetic Anatomy

    • Philosophy

    • Asana

    • Kundalini Kriyas

    • Special Populations

    • Policies, ethics, Personal development

    • Immersion Accommodation,

    • Food + drinks during the course

    • Books - referenced during our training:

      • Hatha Yoga Pradipika by Muktibodhananda Swami

      • The Yoga Bible by Christine Brown

      • Light on Yoga by B.K.S Iyengar

      • Yoga Anatomy by Leslie Kaminof & Amy Matthews

      • The Anatomy Colouring Book by Wynn Kapit / Lawrence M. Elson

      • Essence of Priya Yoga by Paranahansa Yogananada

Are you a Level 1 graduate student looking to deepen your skills in Yoga?
Please visit our 300 hr pathway page to gain more information about the Level 2 course.